Cottage with three floors.
Avenida Marcos Redondo, No. 4, Viladrau.
Bedrooms 8
Bathrooms 7
Dining room 1 (2 lounges)
Net floor area 427,35 m2
Land surface area 3.389,95 m2/útil
Garage Space for 4 cars
Price 1.200.000 €
Storage room, swimming pool, tennis and fronton court

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Avda de les Corts Catalanes 2, 1º-1ª  -  08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès  -  T (34) 93 572 42 00  -  F (34) 93 572 60 91  -
FINQUES CONGOST ® 2011   -   disseny gràfic sidecar studio