Another way of life in Viladrau

Another way of life, enjoying the little things that awaken the senses. Like the smells of the countryside and flowers when the springtime bursts to life; the cool air alongside a river in the summer; the intense yellow of withering oak, beech and chestnut trees in the autumn; or the silence of a winter forest. Another way of life in Montseny, in Viladrau…so close yet so far away.
Now you can enjoy these sensations in our apartments and houses. Recently constructed and featuring high-quality appointments, designed to allow you to enjoy the peace and tranquillity which they inspire, as your senses awaken and you discover another way of life.

Avda de les Corts Catalanes 2, 1º-1ª  -  08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès  -  T (34) 93 572 42 00  -  F (34) 93 572 60 91  -
FINQUES CONGOST ® 2011   -   diseño gráfico sidecar studio